7 Ways to Improve Sitting Tolerance in Autism The article, 7 Ways to Improve Sitting Tolerance in Autism, will explain how one can develop a friendly bond with...
Medically reviewed by Dr. Nilong Vyas, Pediatrician  By Eric Ridenour  Over half of autistic children, and as many as four out of five, may have one or more persistent sleep disorders....

Why Autism Is Not An Insult

Why autism is not an insult The article, Why autism is not an insult? Will provide you with the best possible reasons to avoid negative connotations generally attached to the word autism. How...
How to Unmask Autism

How to Unmask Autism

How to Unmask Autism How to Unmask Autism How to unmask autism? It is a serious question because autism can be hard to spot, especially in relatively young children or...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKzvLyME5qA http://What is the Difference between Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism? What is the Difference between Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism? This question often creates confusion for those who seek an ultimate difference...
Down SWhat's the Difference Between Autism and Down Syndromeyndrome What's the Difference Between Autism and Down Syndrome? This is a question generally asked by people dealing with autistic...